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Book a clinic with WNY's premier Natural Horsemanship trainer!

Enhance your horsemanship skills and deepen the bond with your equine partner. Our clinics offer a unique learning experience for all levels of riders. Learn effective communication, trust-building techniques, and develop a harmonious partnership with your horse. Gain insights into understanding horse behavior, groundwork, and riding techniques. Join us for an enriching clinic that will take your horsemanship to new heights!

Our schedule fills up quickly, so book now!

Megan Mangold Clinic

  • Clinics are 500 dollars per participant, minimum 5 participants. 

    Travel fee applies for locations outside three hours (150 mi) of 14094.

    Clinic host responsible for hotel/booking fees.

    Clinics in the Northeast offered May-October as schedule allows.


    Contact the ranch via text/phone call so we can schedule the where and when of your clinic. Once we have that sorted out we will add the details to our website for participants to book through the site directly.


    Select your clinic location and dates via the options below to book. Remaining balance due two weeks before clinic date.


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